내맘대로 펑크백선 3 - ANDREW JACKSON JIHAD 앤드류 잭슨 지하드
I wish I had more money than I have and I know that's not punk, but I need to pay my rent. 돈좀 벌었으면 좋겠어 이런소리하는게 펑크가 아니라는건 알아 하지만 집세는 내야되잖아 I can't survive without money. I can't survive without money. 돈없이는 살수없다고 돈없이는 살수없다고 And I want to eat red, red meat. I want to feel it digesting inside of my tummy and I support animal testing. I'd kill a kitten to save a human being. 그리고 시뻘건 고기도 먹고싶어 뱃속에서 소화되..